As my previous blog post states, Rod and I headed up to Baltimore a couple weekends back for the Baltimore Comic Con 2010. It's always been one of our favorite shows (the fact that it's local rocks pretty hard, too!) and love the friendly, creator/comics-focused atmosphere. That definitely didn't change this time out! It was a great show, and almost as soon as the doors opened I was flooded with commissions and people interested in Blue Milk Special. It was one of the best show days we've ever had, and it was awesome.
(It was also very cool to see so many people walking around wearing Orioles or Ravens gear-- go Baltimore teams!)

I drew a load of commissions, but what was especially awesome about this was that it's the first time I've ever been asked to do Blue Milk Special commissions! It was tons of fun, and I hope everyone enjoyed them as much as I enjoyed working on them.

Thanks to all of the BMS fans who came out to show support, especially our littlest fans below. Our prints and 'make your own BMS milk cartons' were a great hit, and we'll have more on hand for New York Comic Con in October!

Aside from the commissions, seeing fans and meeting new people, these conventions are great because I get to see my friends that I normally only see once or twice a year. This time out our good friend Jon Kallis was helping us with the table once again, and we had a table next to our friend from forever and ever, colorist extraordinare Val Staples.

We got to see the always awesome Bryan Glass and his lovely wife Judy, but definitely not long enough! We'll make up for this in NY (perhaps with a game of Dracula?). Mice Templar won another Harvey this year, which was completely deserved!

And we got to hang with our great pals Craig Rousseau, Rich Faber and Kelly Yates. Our table was next to (Doctor Who artist) Kelly's, so we got to hear a lot of Doctor Who talk throughout the convention. (Thankfully some of it was Classic Who talk.)
Here's a normal group shot...

But then Kelly had to try and steal the spotlight... again...!

These cons also give Rod and I a chance to hook back up with two of our favorite people, Matt and Suzanne Wieringo. Not enough Hammer talk this year, but we did get into a 'Woman in Black'/ghost stories discussion on the way back from dinner...

My sister Rachael stopped by on Sunday and we took that opportunity to finally walk around the show a bit with her. (We should have gotten that Don Rosa Uncle Scrooge print...)

Another pal we always love hooking up with (and he's still told the funniest story I've ever heard in my life) is Rich Woodall, who joined us for dinner on Saturday and also did a badass Zombie Sovena Red sketch for Rod!

I wasn't able to get a shot of pal Todd Dezago (who cut out like the Flash on Sunday) but it was great seeing him again, especially because I thought I wouldn't see him at all this year! Since we both worked on an issue of Casper and the Spectrals together recently, Todd was nice enough to buy me a big trade full of old Casper stories. Really awesome stuff. Thanks, Todd-- you're the bestest!
Here are some of the other commissions I worked on while at the show...
Best Green Lantern ever, Kyle Rayner:

Tim Drake in his old school Robin threads (that I miss very much):

Tim in his newer Robin costume:



And lastly, here are a couple of cool costumes. I'm pretty sure this is the same little guy who came to the show last year dressed in an awesome Impulse costume. This year he came as Kid Flash!

And this has to be the cutest Woody from Toy Story I've ever seen:

And that's all I got! If you made it this far, thanks for hanging in there.
Next post coming up soon... Whatever Happened to Baron Von Shock?
1 comment:
Great seeing you and Rod too, Leanne. Wish Rod was feeling better and we could have done that dinner. Hopefully, in New York!
Talk to you soon.
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