It's been ages since my last blog post (as usual), so I figured I'd better get one in here before 2012 is upon us! (Plus I'm sick at the moment, and I figure I can't feel any worse sitting here in front of my laptop getting this update done...)
Above is the holiday greeting we used as a voting incentive pinup for Blue Milk Special this year as Vader and TK8008 enjoy themselves with a bit of holiday cheer. Hope everyone had a nice holiday!
Since I haven't posted in a while, here are some updates: Power-Con in Los Angeles back in September was awesome-- I had a great time and met up with so many friends I hadn't seen in years. Definitely one of the highlights of the year for me. My auction piece was bought up by pal Jon Kallis, who I'm sure will put it to good use... if he knows what's good for him. XD
While at Power-Con I was interviewed by MTV Geek. You can watch both clips (if you DARE) in which I talk about my work on He-Man and the Masters of the Universe and Blue Milk Special.
Part One:

Part Two:

Apart from that, Rod and I also had a great time at the Virginia Comicon in Richmond, VA in October. It's always great to meet up with friends and fans, and the VA show was no exception. Extra thanks to Matt, Suzanne and Charlie Wieringo for being such great hosts! Love you guys.
Apart from all that, work continues on BMS, though we had serious doubts as to whether or not things would keep going as they are. At the beginning of this month we had a scare with Rod's health issues (for which he's having surgery in January), and having to read nitpicky comments from readers knocking us for trivial things right in the middle of all this real life drama just didn't mix well. We questioned whether it was worth dealing with keeping BMS going at all. But in the end we had a really great response from readers (we were both totally overwhelmed by the support), that we decided to keep going, at least for now. But in order to do this, give Rod time to heal and have time to work on our own projects, we're cutting back to one strip a week beginning in 2012. But fear not, we'll still be around (I think Biggs might kill us if we weren't).
Other than that, work is progressing on a manga webcomic project that Rod and I have been planning for ages (more on that in a future update when we have more to show), I got a bloody fantastic boxed set of Rammstein's music videos and making ofs that we just finished (I did not think it was possible to love this band more than I did before, yet I was WRONG), we discovered the Japanese Sentai series Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger (which I love and am obsessed with and can't say enough good things about and when it ends I will cry), and we're still continuing with our Doctor Who watching. We've made it up to the end of the 6th Doctor's first season, which has been... interesting (and not in a good way). These last few seasons have been quite the ride. But we're in it for the long haul, behind the scenes drama and all. (I'm going to eat popcorn when we watch the documentary that deals with Colin Baker's firing, though. I'm not kidding.)
So... with that finished, here's to a much better year for everyone. Bring on 2012!
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