Been a while. But first, above is a quick digital sketch that I decided to color a few days ago. I've been completely immersed in World War II books, documentaries and memoirs for the past few months, and also had been recently following the World Cup (my teams were the U.S.A., New Zealand and Germany). So this cartoon popped into my head. It was a lot of fun to do and I really dug working in this particular rough style. I'm trying to do more digital sketching these days.
Anyway, seeing as though the subject of this post mentions Whatever Happened to Baron Von Shock?, the new Rob Zombie comic I'm editing, I figured I'd finally say that I'm currently drawing backup stories for this series, starting with issue #3. It's been a ton of fun to do and it's cool working with Rob as an artist and not just an editor for a change!
I'm working in an overly cartoony style for this one, kind of similar to my recent work on Casper and the Spectrals #3. It was fun cartoonizing Rob's characters and going to town on these scripts. And you might be seeing more of this sort of thing from me in the future...
Speaking of Casper, I've been getting a peek at the colors Kieran Oats did on my pencils for issue #3, and they look sweet! I can't wait to see this thing in print!
So, other than all of the above, Rod and I are gearing up for the Baltimore Comic Con next month where we hope to see all of our pals! We'll have a Blue Milk Special table this year, so be sure to check us out!
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