I really need to sit down and write up a proper blog post now that I'm back from Heroes Con, but in the meantime I wanted to pimp out a couple of things.
First off, the back-up story I drew for Todd Dezago and Craig Rousseau's Perhapanauts was released today in Perhapanauts #6! It was written by my friend Scott Weinstein and was drawn by me. The issue also features the Justice Brigade pin-up I worked on a while back-- it's a bit of a preview to another story Todd and I will be working on in a future issue.
Also, while I was at Heroes Con this past weekend, Jimmy Aquino and Joe Gonzalez of Comic News Insider were kind enough to interview me for their podcast, which was posted today. Check out episode 205! I was insanely nervous (hence the laughing-- UGH), but I had loads of fun. Thanks to Jimmy and Joe for being awesome!
And last but not least, my favorite artist Mike Wieringo would have been 46-years-old today. Happy birthday, Mike.
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