It's been a while since I last posted, and it's mostly because I've been busy. But it's a good kind of busy. I've been pretty productive these past few weeks, and even though I've been stuck at the drawing table for hours every weekend and often have a sore neck and/or back when I finally get up, it feels good. It's a good, creative, satisfying pain.
But firstly, above is a new American Idol cartoon I just finished up. I've done a few since my last posting, but I've been too busy lately to squeeze in more of them (but I do appreciate the nice comments and requests for more). So I finally came up with an idea-- or two, really-- last week and put them both into one cartoon. So I apologize in advance if this is too confusing or busy. Hopefully it translates okay (sometimes it's hard getting an image out of my head and onto paper).
It touches upon a couple of things. First, Danny Gokey's absolutely horrendous performance of Aerosmith's "Dream On" from last week, which he butchered as everyone witnessed the scream heard 'round the world. But, of course, Danny continually coasts through week after week and my girl Allison unfairly got the boot instead. Sooo wrong.
But I also had to give Paula Abdul mad props for performing her new single "I'm Just Here for the Music" on Idol, and gracing us with the Dive of Awesomeness, amongst other things. Rock on, Ms. Abdul.
The main reason I've been insanely busy is because I've been working on a short story for Scott Weinstein and Chris Zaccone's After-School Agent (which is awesome and is being put up online as a webcomic with new pages every Monday!). It's been a lot of fun to work on and very challenging. New York backgrounds are tough, but it's been a nice test and a great way to brush up on drawing objects like cars, buildings, etc. And cat cages are time consuming to draw, and don't let anyone tell you different.
But I love ASA and its hero Gordon, and I've been having a blast working on these pages. If all goes well my story should be out in time for Heroes Con next month! And if all goes really well, my back-up story I drew for Todd and Craig's Perhapanauts (issue #6) should be out by then too!
So anyway, that's all I got. It's going to be really busy from here up 'til Heroes in June. But I can't wait!
--Leanne "I'm Just Here For The Art" Hannah (thanks, Jon!)
You should draw more idol pictures please =)
They are amazing
Especially the chemistry you capture between Paula & Simon, spot on haha
Love them
Keep it up pleaseee.
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